How Study Abroad Agencies in China Give Students False Hope of a Future Abroad

Sample Contract

A sample contract for postgraduate application, from a study-abroad agency in China.
(in Chinese)

The document below is an example of common study-abroad agency contract with a postgraduate appliant. The first page is a statement informing the applicant that he/she should fit the Ministry of Education of China's requirement as a self-funded study-abroad applicant. The customer should be responsible if he/she fails on the application of the target country's visa.

The following pages state out the agency's major responsibilities in making the plan of application and writing/refining the documents. The appllicant should submmit relative materials and information to the agent, and shall not pay the agency fee to any parties other than the financial department of the company. The last two pages marked the responsibilities of breaking the contract: the client would not be able to get any refund if he/she decided to terminate the contract due to personal reasons, or feel unsatifisied with the document writing quality. The responsibility for the agency if it breaks the contract in any way is not listed.

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